
Showing posts from November, 2021


  This month, I have been sharing lessons from moral stories and one of the stories was about not believing everything someone says to you. CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO That story reminded me of my own story.   A guy came to make an inquiry at my office and in the course of our discussion, he said he works with Jumia and they have a need to recruit someone urgently. “Do you have anyone to recommend, he asked.” “Yes. I have a lot of friends who are job hunting. I will like to recommend one of them.” “Okay, let me give you my number so you can give your friend. Also, give me yours in case.”   I should have suspected that something was fishy (like the wise Jackal in the story: the moving tail) because this guy kept calling me to say I should give him my friend’s number. I told him to be patient because; I need to speak to her first.  I should have noticed the sense of urgency and the overly and unnecessary niceness that I know scammers with. Why is he the one calling an