
Showing posts from October, 2021

Why the drama? My thought about the movie: JINN

  A movie is a story written by someone. Sometimes, because it was acted and the characters lived in our eyes, we forget it's actually someone's story: A story that may have taken place in reality or only in the writer's mind. I take the way I spend my time seriously. I do not ever want to waste a minute of my life. So whether I am praying, reading, writing, cooking, gisting, sleeping or seeing a movie, it is meaningful to me, though it may look like a waste of time to someone else. My criteria for measuring meaningfulness is as follows: does it align with my goals, will I learn something from it, is it helpful to me or someone else? The movie, Jinn, tells the story of a young girl (Summer) whose mother converted to Islam in her senior year. Summer was full of fire, a dancer and a social media enthusiast. Her mother tried to quench her fire, get her to stop dancing and start dressing like a true Muslim. The entire story wasn't centered around Summer and her mother. Thei