
Showing posts from June, 2020


Raising Children is not easy and if you want your children to possess certain characteristics, you will have to put in some work and do it consciously. Below are 30 things I will want my children to know: 1.    Gratitude: I will instill in them the habit of being thankful in life 2.    Thoughts: I will teach them how thoughts possess magnetic powers 3.    The golden rule: I will make sure they know this rule, “treat others the way you want to be treated.” 4.    Life shouldn’t be taken seriously: It’s not like I will be teaching them to be unserious with life, but I will teach them that they do not need to make mountains out of anthills. 5.    You don’t need to shout to be heard: God help me with this because it’s really a hard one for us. 6.    You are great: I will make sure they do not look down on themselves or permit limiting thoughts of any kind, no matter what anyone tells them, 7.    People pleasing: it is good to care about people but never do anything because o

Do you know how to prevent fatigue, worry and boredom at work?

DO YOU FEEL BORED AT WORK? Your emotional attitude usually has far more to do with producing fatigue than has physical exertion. A few years ago, Joseph E. Barmack, Ph.D., published in the Archives of Psychology a report of some of his experiment showing how boredom produces fatigue. Dr. Barmack put a group of students through a series of tests in which, he knew, they could have little interest. The result? The students felt tired and sleepy, complained of headaches and eyestrain, felt irritable. In some cases, even their stomachs were upset. Was it all imaginations? No. metabolism tests were taken of these students. These tests showed that the blood pressure of the body and the consumption of oxygen actually decrease when a person is bored, and that the whole metabolism picks up immediately as soon as he begins to feel interest and pleasure in his work. We rarely get tired when we are doing something interesting and exciting. When Dr. Edward Thorndike of Columbia was conductin


Fatigue lowers our resistance to the emotions of fear and worry. You cannot continue to worry if you relax. To prevent fatigue and worry, rest often. Rest is not a matter of doing absolutely nothing. Rest is repair. There is so much repair power in a short period of rest that even a five-minute nap will help to forestall fatigue. If you can’t take a nap at noon, you can at least try to lie down for an hour before the evening meal. If you can sleep for an hour around five, six or seven o’clock, you can add one hour a day to your waking life. Why? How? Because an hour’s nap before the evening meal plus six hours’ sleep at night- a total of seven hour- will do you more good than eight hours of unbroken sleep. A physical worker can do more work if he takes more time out for rest. Frederick Taylor demonstrated that while working as a scientific management engineer with the Bethlehem Steel Company. He observed that laboring men were loading approximately 121/2 tons of pig iron per


Make a list of the fool things you have done, criticize yourself so you can increase your performances. Napoleon at St. Helen said: “No one but myself can be blamed for my fall. I have been my own greatest enemy, the cause of my own disastrous fate.” Ben Franklin gave himself a severe going over every night: “what mistakes did I make today? What did I do that was right? What lessons can I learn from that experience?” He discovered that he had thirteen serious faults. Here are three of them: wasting time, stewing around over trifles, arguing and contradicting people. Wise old Ben Franklin realized that, unless he eliminates these handicaps, he wasn’t going to get very far. So he battled with one of his shortcomings every day for a week, and kept a record of who had won each day’s slugging match. The next week, he would pick out another bad habit, put on the gloves, and when the bell rang he would come out of his corner fighting. Franklin kept up this battle with his faults every w