
Showing posts from September, 2020

What is your drive?

What motivates you in life? What keeps you going in your career, business or ministry? Why do you do the things you do? Your life purpose should be your drive. Purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Most people make money their drive but they realize after making the money that they still feel empty and unfulfilled. If you feel unfulfilled and unnecessarily stressed in life, it could be because you are being driven by the wrong things or because you are focusing on too many things. Let us look at some reasons why you should focus on your purpose: 1. Focusing on your purpose makes your life more meaningful: everything in life was made for a purpose. The sun was made to give light in the day. The moon was made to give light in the night. Trees were made to bear fruits. Your life will be meaningless if you do not know the purpose of your existence. That was why Jesus cursed the fig tree.  Mark 11: 12   The next day as they were leavin


  You have a dream, you have a passion, you have done a lot of things in your mind, but you have not been able to manifest them in reality. There could be a lot of reasons for that, but I want to talk about these: 1.    Being too self conscious: You will always limit yourself if you are too conscious of making mistakes. Ask anyone who succeeded at one thing or the other, they made lots of mistakes before they finally got it right. If you want to become a writer, you just have to write without being so careful about grammatical errors or people’s criticism. “...don't be self-conscious - other people are completely unaware of you and more concerned with how they appear ...” ― John Geddes 2.    Feeling you are not enough: I have seen people who are great at what they do but they don’t think they are. I have seen people who can be great at something not even attempting to do it because they feel they can’t. The feeling of not enough will make you feel bad even when you shoul

Conditions of the Mind, from the part 2 of the Book: Battlefield of the Mind

  Romans 12: 2; And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Our minds are not born again after the new birth experience, they have to be renewed. Is your mind normal? Is it supposed to wander all over the place, or should you be able to keep it focused on what you are doing? Should you be upset and confused, or should you be peaceful and reasonably sure of the direction you should be taking in life? As believers, we are spiritual, and we are also natural. The natural does not understand the spiritual; therefore, it is vitally necessary for our minds to be enlightened concerning what is going on in our spirits. The Holy Spirit desires to bring us this enlightenment, but the mind often misses what the spirit is attempting to reveal because it is too busy. A mind that is too busy is abnormal. The mind is normal when it is at rest- not blank, but at rest. The m


  1.    YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU WANT:   We always pray for one thing or the other, but the truth is that sometimes we do not know what we really want. When Bartimaeus was calling on Jesus to have mercy on him, Jesus asked him, "What do you want me to do for you?" Every one could see the man was blind but he still had to say what he wanted, " Rabbi, I want to see ." It is a natural law, that you will want something for you to get it. 2.    YOU ARE NOT SPECIFIC AND CONSISTENT:   You have to be specific about what you want. If you want something from someone, you don’t just fret, cry or assume they know what you want. You tell them the exact thing you want. And naturally, consistency can’t be achieved in the absence of clarity. So you have to be clear and specific about what you want, and then apply constant pressure (consistency). Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: “In a certain town