
Showing posts from June, 2021


  Sweating the small stuff is synonymous to blowing things out of proportion and making mountains out of molehills. A lot of people have formed the habit of escalating things without knowing it has become a habit. They think and in turn act in a particular way repeatedly when faced with a situation. So any time a similar situation comes up, they do not have control over how they react because a pattern of thought and action has been registered in their subconscious mind which they must follow. Just like a computer doesn’t need prayers to function but operates based on the programs installed in it, humans operate based on the habits they have formed. The good news is that we have the power to form and break habits. The habit of sweating the small stuff is a habit we must break for the following reasons: 1. SO WE CAN RESPOND INSTEAD OF REACT: We were planning a program in church and a meeting was called to know how members are responding to payment of the levy


  THIS STORY WILL CAUSE A PARADIGM SHIFT FOR YOU: It is the story of how I lacked in the midst of plenty. Have you ever looked back at your life and realized you have lived little? This is my story. I was born in a middle-class family, we were never poor, but we always managed until it became our lifestyle. I remembered when I was in primary four and five before I moved to secondary school; I was always given ten naira so I could buy snacks for my siblings and I during the break period. I usually buy one small round bread that was sold for ten naira at that time and share it into three, for myself, my brother and my sister. At a point, other pupils started laughing at us for always buying bread. Now that I think of it, I see that my parents could afford to give us ten naira each and we can afford to buy other types of snacks, but I guess we were being raised to manage. When I was in JSS 2, the state government schools went on a strike that lasted more than six m


  Life is exciting when you do what you love. The moment you discover what you are born to do on earth, everything changes. Once you realize what you should do and start doing it, the zeal that will consume you will make you unstoppable.  The only problem is that a lot of people do not get to discover what they are passionate about and the majority of people who have discovered their passion let fear, shame and frivolities stop them. If you have not yet discovered what you are passionate about, you are missing the thrill and ecstasy that comes with it. If you want to enjoy life, you must find your bliss by discovering your passion, because the impact you will make with your life depends on it. The only reason you experience instability and the need to give up is because you have not found a zeal that consumes you. That is why you still have the need to distract yourself by sleeping excessively, binge watching movies, getting drunk and partying. FIND YOUR BLISS


  You were born empty of knowledge, but your learned quickly; from how to eat to how to talk. Everything happened so fast that everyone actually forgot you weren’t born with these things. You became what you learned. You have learned to be kind, so now YOU ARE kind. You have learned to greet, so now YOU ARE respectful. You see the way things are done in your environment so you copy that. After a while, you became more mature and you started asking questions, you started examining and observing things, you also started imagining things. Then you started asking a lot of questions. This is the point where you need to be careful of suggestions. The mind has its own way of analyzing information; it accepts suggestions and then scrutinizes it based on the knowledge it has stored previously. When someone told me I would make a good teacher, I thought about it and I looked at the fact that my parents were actually good teachers; so I accepted the possibility that I would be