
Showing posts from October, 2020


  The first job I got after my first degree was in a healthcare company, it was my dream industry but, it wasn’t my dream position. My job was to manage the social media pages and the websites. When I got the opportunity to go for my postgraduate degree, I happily resigned because it wasn’t a normal job after all. A colleague asked me what I will do after graduation and being that I have always wanted a flexible lecturing/public speaking kind of job that will give me time to build a business; I said, “I will get a teaching or lecturing job.” A teaching job would have been a normal job, but I was already indirectly in a teaching job; I was writing and sharing knowledge on social media and I was creating and editing websites, using skills I learned as pastime. I had a friend who was doing the same thing on his own at that time; I watched him turn it into a great business over the years. Stop seeking the usual. Things must not be the way they use to be. Look for opportunities to e

Changing your perspective, 1.

  Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6. As you were growing up, you were learning consciously and unconsciously. The things you saw, heard and felt gave you a thinking pattern which eventually formed your attitude. Over time, this repetition of thoughts, feelings and actions fashioned your believe and perspective. As you get older, you started realizing that you react in a certain way to certain issues. People around you are already aware of how you will respond to a question, what triggers you, what excites you and what suppresses you. Then you probably started associating with other people from different environments and you felt there may be better ways to respond to issues. You started questioning certain thoughts and behaviors that you were used to; you started changing the way you look at things. This paradigm shift in thinking is all you need on your quest for change. “Small shifts in your thinking, and small chan

Things to do as you await the manifestation of your desires

We all desire things but most people only dream and wish they can get the things they desire. Less than 20% of people do something to get what they desire. The difference between the one who gets their desire and the one who doesn’t is in the action taken. Until we stop wishing and waiting for things to happen by chance and start taking actions, our dreams may never come true. We go about complaining and worrying (over-thinking the situation), instead of doing what we ought to do. The problem is that you have not recognized the fact that you haven’t done something. Make that decision today to move from dreaming to doing, from wishing to working. Be resolute about using every time you have, to advance towards your goals. Stop pampering yourself. Stop relaxing when you should be doing something. If you want it badly, you will be ready to get up and get stressed. If you don’t know where to start from, here are a few tips that you might find helpful; 1. Study: if I hope to be an expert i

You can overtake chariots

  Then the Spirit said to Philip, “Go near and overtake this chariot.” So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?” Acts 8:29-30 The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.  Isaiah 11:2     You have the spirit of God in you. That same spirit that enabled Philip to run up to a chariot is in you. He makes you wiser than your teachers, strengthens you in your areas of weakness and reveals hidden things to you. What changes do you need to make in your life armed with this knowledge?   1. Stop being afraid:  Fear is one thing stopping a lot of people from living to be all that they can be. When you need to make a decision and fear creeps in, always remember you have that same spirit that made Philip out run a chariot. The Spirit of God makes you unstoppable. You alone have the power to stop yourself.

The Mistake of Inconsistency

  Whatever we dream to become great at, we need to give it time, focus on it and keep repeating it. In life, I have seen people make the mistake of being here and there, trying different stuff and never settling with one. You need to give at least one hour everyday for 5 years to anything you wish to be great at. I know a woman who has tried to be great at something, she has been at it for five years now, but she has nothing to show for her endeavors. Her endeavors would have started yielding on the fifth year if she had been consistently focused on one thing. She has a good reason for whatever thing she left behind to pursue another, but sometimes good reasons are not enough. Below are some of her reasons and how she would have succeeded:    It wasn’t her area of study: she didn’t feel good about her job because she felt it was something different from her career path. She envied people in the organization who are in her career path and she decided to quit and look for something in h