
Showing posts from January, 2021

I am not a poet- A poem

      I am not a poet But I write poems There is a system The usual way of life It always looks like the easy way out But it is the easy way to limitation   I am not an activist But I fight for a cause There is a situation The usual state of the mind It determines what you believe But what you believe becomes a lifestyle   I am not an extremist But I extremely believe There is a purpose The reason why I haven't given up It is as great as I have imagined  But my imaginations are limited KAYCEE

Boost your sales confidence; get people skills

  PEOPLE SKILLS  If you have the most wonderful ideas on earth but you don’t have anyone to sell it to, the ideas are of no use. People will always be part of your life; the ability to communicate and relate with people effectively is a skill you must have. Everyone you meet in life is a prospect and your job is to add to your list of prospects daily. The aim of prospecting is to create awareness and increase interest in your products or services. The more your prospects, the more your chances of having more paying customers, and the more your chances of succeeding in what you do. Having a profitable network will reduce fretting and enhance peace. Below is how you can add to your network:  Identify places, opportunities and situations where you can find potential customers and make it a point of duty to get one prospect every day. Before you start prospecting, you need to answer the following questions:  1. Who is your ideal customer?  2. Where can you find your ideal cus


  I AM When Moses had an encounter with God, he inquired of his name in Exodus 3:14: God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.’” When Jesus was on earth, he made a lot of affirmations that looked impossible but, look at Jesus in the world today; He is all that he claimed to be. We shouldn’t play with affirmations if we want to be as great as God has made us to be. Let us look at the affirmations that Jesus made and see what we can learn from it. A.   I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE; John 6:22-40 Repeat the following affirmations: ·         I am a source of joy to my world ·         I am the solution to a problem ·         I am reliable ·         I am highly sought after B.   I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD; John 8:1-12 Repeat the following affirmations: ·         I am a role model ·         I am a remedy ·         I am a luminary ·         I am bliss ·         I am graceful C.   I AM THE DOOR; J


WHY YOU ARE EDUCATED BUT HAVE NOTHING DOING      It is no longer news that a lot of graduates are jobless. Sometimes we blame our education system (see YouTube video THE FAULT IN OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM ) but, sometimes it is our fault. A lot of people have the knowledge but they do not know how to apply it. Knowledge is not power. It is applied knowledge that is power.    When you start studying a course, the question you will ask yourself is ‘what can I do with the knowledge I am getting?’ For professional courses like medicine and law, it is clear how they will apply the knowledge they are getting, but for someone in a course like Anatomy and Physiology, you need to plan how to apply the knowledge you are gathering.    I studied Biological Science in the university (take note so you can pardon my English). We did a little of all the life sciences and we were left to choose what to do with all we learned. A lot of people couldn’t do anything with it but some people did. The people who d

Boost your sales confidence; THOUGHTS ARE TRANSFERABLE

 THOUGHTS ARE TRANSFERABLE Do you know thoughts can be transferred from one person to another without any means of written or verbal communication? Have you not noticed sometimes when you think about a person, the person calls? Do you think it is mere coincidence that he/she thought about you too? Have you thought about doing something and without discussing it with your colleague in the office, you see him doing the same thing you thought about? It is clear that thoughts have a way of moving from one person to another. The aim of this write up is not to explain how but, to see how we can use it to our advantage as sales people and public speakers. If you have clients to speak to, your aim should be to influence them to make a decision. Aside the knowledge you have which you feel will be beneficial to the client, the way you deliver your speech goes a long way to determine whether you will make the desired impact or not. It is easier to listen to a speaker who speaks with confidence an

Boost your sales confidence; what do you sell

  This is for anyone who has something to offer in exchange for money. Have you ever been in a situation where you do something casually and another person starts that same thing and blows it out of proportion? The difference between you and the other person is a word called, 'CONFIDENCE.' You design beautiful clothes and sell them casually; another person designs a cloth that is not as beautiful as yours and calls it 'DESIGNER CLOTHING.' You need to understand how to make yourself stand out because nobody sees a light that is hidden. You are full of potentials but until you blow your trumpet, nobody is going to recognize your potentials. As a sales person, one thing you need to succeed in your career is confidence. I will be sharing series of topics concerning boosting your confidence. Today is about knowing your product: WHAT DO YOU SELL? You can’t explain what you don’t understand. As a sales person, your job is to let others see how what you have to offer will m