
Showing posts from April, 2020

Why does such a simple thing as keeping busy help to drive out anxiety?

It is difficult to worry while you are busy doing something that requires planning and thinking. Resolve to keep busy and you will have no time to worry. The great Scientist, Pasteur, spoke of "the peace that is found in libraries and laboratories." Why is peace found there? Because the men in libraries and laboratories are usually too absorbed in their tasks to worry about themselves. Research men rarely have nervous breakdowns. They don't have time for such luxuries. One of the most fundamental laws ever revealed by psychology states that: it is impossible for any human mind, no matter how brilliant, to think of more than one thing at any given time. When you have two things to think about, you can focus on either thought in turn, but never on both simultaneously. We cannot be pepped up and enthusiastic about doing something exciting and feel dragged down by worry at the same time. One thought or emotion will surely drive out the other.  During the second World

How do you eliminate some of your business worries?

You can spend less time in conferences, trying to solve business problems. Let everyone who wishes to present a problem in the conference first prepare and submit a memorandum answering these four questions: What is the problem? What is the cause of the problem? What are all possible solutions to the problem? What solutions do you suggest? When you have already answered those four questions, the conference will take about one third of the time formerly required, because it proceeds along an orderly, logical path to a reasoned conclusion. Much less time is used in worrying and talking about what is wrong; and a lot more action is obtained toward making those things right. See how Frank Bettger, a top insurance man in America, applied this method: When he first started selling insurance, He was filled with a boundless enthusiasm and love for His work. Then something happened. He became so discouraged that He despised His work and thought of giving it up. Then He got the idea of

What can you do about your worries?

If you ever find yourself worrying so much that you can't sleep, just remember that worry wouldn't get you anywhere. Take the following steps instead; Analyze the situation honestly and figure out the worst that could possibly happen. After figuring out the worst that could possibly happen, accept it, if necessary. Devote your time and energy improving upon the worst which you have already accepted. Worry destroys our ability to concentrate. When we worry, our minds jump here and there and everywhere, and we lose all power of decision. However, when we force ourselves to face the worst and accept it mentally, we then eliminate all the vague imaginings and put ourselves in a position in which we are able to concentrate on our problem. True peace comes from accepting the worst, we have nothing more to lose and that means we have everything to gain.  Confusion is the chief cause of worry The first step to dealing with worries is getting the facts . If you don't g

Do you know what worry can do to you?

Dr. O.F. Gober once said that "seventy percent of all patients who come to physicians could cure themselves if they only get rid of their fears and worries. Their illnesses are as real as a throbbing toothache and sometimes hundred times more serious. I refer to illnesses such as nervous indigestion, some stomach ulcers, heart disturbances, insomnia, some headaches and some types of paralysis. These illnesses are real. I know what i am talking about because I, myself suffered from a stomach ulcer for twelve years," said Dr. Gober. "Fear causes worry. Worry makes you tense and nervous and affects the nerves of your stomach and actually changes the gastric juices of our stomach from normal to abnormal and often leads to stomach ulcer." You do not get stomach ulcers from what you eat. You get it from what is eating you. What causes insanity? No one knows all the answers. But it is highly probable that in many cases, fear and worry are contributing factors. The anxious

Do you put off living in the present to worry about the future or the past?

You may have a lot of things to do at once with little time to do it, to accomplish these tasks in a more efficient way, you will have to take it ONE TASK AT A TIME. By doing so, you will achieve more, save yourself from confusion and from physical and mental stress. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote, "anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall; anyone can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, till the sun goes down." Everyday is a new life to a wise man. Forget about yesterday and stop thinking about tomorrow. Most of us put off living, we keep dreaming about the life in the future, instead of enjoying the life we have presently. As a child, you were dreaming about doing certain things when you grow up, when you grew up you decided to leave it for when you get married; now you are married and you are dreaming about the things you will do when your kids become grown ups and leave the house. When did you do what you are supposed to do at the stage where you a

What do you do to get your mind off worries?

Arthur Sulzberger, publisher (1935-1961), of one of the most famous newspaper in the world, The New York Times, so worried about the future during second world war, that he found it almost impossible to sleep. He would frequently get out of bed in the middle of the night, take some canvas and tubes of paint, look in the mirror, and try to paint a portrait of himself. He didn't know anything about painting, but he painted anyway, to get his mind off his worries. Mr Sulzberger was never able to banish his worries and find peace until he adopted as his motto five words from a church hymn: one step enough for me. (the hymn)   1.  Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom, lead thou me on; the night is dark, and I am far from home; lead thou me on. Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see the distant scene; one step enough for me. 2.  I was not ever thus, nor prayed that thou shouldst lead me on; I loved to choose and see my path; but now lead thou me on. I loved the ga

What do you worry about?

Most times we find ourselves worrying about what to do, where to go, how to handle certain situations, how to succeed or how to make a living. We need to realize that our main business is not to see what dimly lies ahead, but to do what clearly lies at hand. The key to stop worrying is to master how to live in the 'now', shutting off the past (the dead yesterday), shutting off the future (the load of tomorrow). That is not to say that we shouldn't prepare for tomorrow, but the best way to prepare for tomorrow is to fully concentrate on doing great today.  We have a lot of things to think about tomorrow; how to save for the future, how to pay bills, how to become better at what we do. Think about all that carefully, but do not have anxiety. Careful thinking leads to logical and constructive planning, but anxiety leads to tension and nervous breakdown.   You will love these videos👉Check them out👇