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  Do you try to live the way other people expect? In what areas of your life have you lived true to yourself? Sometimes we get used to living for people that we forget what we wanted. I never consciously made the decision to live life on my terms but recently, I looked back and realized I have always lived that way. I got married to the love of my life, I tried my dream businesses and dream jobs, I tried skills and hobbies I found interesting. I have never allowed events or people to stop me. But I also realized something else, ‘I have always stopped myself.’ Do you know you can stop yourself without even knowing it? For instance, the career you have right now, how did you end up in it? People settle in a career for various reasons: ·         It could be what they are used to: the problem with this is that what you are used to is not the only available option. There is more and there is no way to find out whether it’s better because you will never try. ·         It could be w

The grass looks greener on the other side: the career switch

   I developed interest in Information Technology and immediately I graduated from the university, I started acquiring the necessary knowledge. I went to a computer school. This really paid me because, when I went for National Youth Service, I got a place to served based on the IT skill I have, not based on the course I studied in school. Afterwards I got a job as an IT Officer, but at a time I became restless and started feeling it's better to go back to my course of study. I felt I will have a better career path if I was to go back. There is this wonderful school in front of my office, I will look out from my office window and imagine how fulfilling it will be to be in that environment. That was how I decided to switch back to my 'would-have-been-career.' I gave it three years of my life. I learned a lot of lessons but, I have finally switched back to the IT field I came out from. The experience I got in those three years are so relevant in my life that I don't wish t

Disappointment is the reason for outburst of anger

Have you ever been surprised by someone's sudden outburst of anger? Do you usually wonder where you have gone wrong? Do you respond with the same negative energy or do you gently nurse your hurt? If you understand the real reason behind people's outburst, you will not feel hurt or go on wondering what you have done to deserve such treatment. Most people react based on a feeling of disappointment that may or may not be connected to the situation at hand.  A driver who has become disappointed because he hasn't met his target for the day may lash out at another driver who tries to overtake him. Naturally, it will look as if his outburst is justified because the other driver angered him but, the anger has always been somewhere inside of him, waiting for a way to burst out. Parents shout at their children over issues we will all agree is unnecessary, because they are disappointed that the child is not living up to their expectations.  When you are angry, you may not be able to r

The Joy of Committing to a relationship

These days, a lot of young people are afraid to commit to a relationship. They say things like, “how can I be with one person all my life? Isn't it going to be boring? What happens when we stop loving each other or just get tired of each other? What happens when I am not having fun anymore and desire to try something new?" These kind of questions have stopped a lot of people from committing to a relationship. Even when some people eventually get married, the mindset they have developed as a result of insecurity, doubt and indiscipline, doesn't allow them to stay committed. Having been in a committed relationship for some years now, I see how it is the best in so many aspects: Confidant: there is this sense of security that makes you unafraid to tell or show it all to another person. In a committed relationship, you have known each other for so long that it doesn't feel the other person is a different person. You have gotten to the point where you have nothing to hide a

The grass looks greener on the other side: the industrial training experience

  In my third year in college, going for industrial training for six months was part of the requirements. You must choose a place to put into practice some of the things you have learned in school, though in reality, you are going to learn from scratch because you have not been thought anything worth applying.  My class mates already had plans before we entered third year. Most of them got places where they will be paid during the short internship. My best friend even got two places but it was in another state so there was no option of going with her. After much search in my most preferred places, I decided to settle for the only available option which was the option of Medical Laboratory. I am not sure I really tried hard to get the other options before I settled for the available option. When I settled for the option of interning in a medical laboratory, I was left with so many options because medical laboratories are everywhere. So as usual, instead of choosing the one I can trek to

The grass looks greener on the other side: the science school experience

  I am writing a series on the topic: the grass looks greener on the other side. "The science school experience" is the first part. When I was in Junior high school (JSS3), I had two options for Senior high school; either to continue in the same school or to move to a special science school since I was interested in sciences. I choose to move to a science school, and then comes the option of choosing which of the science schools to go to. There was a special science school in the same compound with my school (let us call it science school A), but I swore never to go to that one nearby. I can't really remember all my reasons though, the number one reason was because it was nearby. I see the way the senior students maltreat the other students, so I never wanted to go through that; plus I wouldn't want to be asked to go from home since the school isn't so far from home. I actually never saw that particular science school as a school I should choose for any reason. So

Peace in the midst of a storm

 The world is full of diverse storms. Everyone is in one storm or the other; pain, lack, loss, shame, illness, disappointment, death, failure, fear, stress, humiliation, conflict, etc. We may not be able to escape these storms but we can find a way to be at peace in the midst of it all. It appears impossible but Jesus did it and He assured us that we can do much more than He did (John 14:12). If He was able to sleep through a raging storm, with all the fury and rage; so can we. Mark 4:35-41 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.”   Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped.   Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”   He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Th


  When I do something with difficulty and discover there are better ways to go about it, I do not hesitate to share with anyone who is willing to listen. I see a lot of people start something and in less than a year, they give up and quit. I have been there myself, I understand the struggle and I believe you can learn one or two things that will be of help. The following are some of the reasons why people fail: 1.    Lack of concentrated effort: I see people try to be and do a lot of things at the same time. When I first started my business, I had about three areas I wanted to meet needs; IT, education and personal care. Looking at those three areas, you will see they are in no way related and required separate efforts to power them. The best thing would have been to choose an industry and focus all my energy on it. Trying to be a jack of all trade will make you a master of none. In the business world, a lot of people have what you have, but what will make you outstanding is be

What are you willing to sacrifice?

   I live to learn. I learn from people, books, messages, music, movies, nature, etc; and when I learn I share. I do not share because I think I am wiser than others. I am aware that others may have already learned these lessons before me, but I am passionate about sharing. It gives me joy when I transfer my thoughts into something someone can read or listen to. I willingly sacrifice a little sleep, TV, and gist times to read, write or make a video for my YouTube Channel. You can see some of the videos using the following link: Life lessons with Kaycee The question I have for you now is, what are you willing to sacrifice to live your passion? There is no getting without giving. Maybe what you need to sacrifice to get what you want is your pride, maybe it's your entitlement, or your attitude. Below are examples of people who made sacrifices to achieve their purpose.   1. Ruth: she was resolute about following her mother in law and making Naomi's people and God her own too. When


  The first job I got after my first degree was in a healthcare company, it was my dream industry but, it wasn’t my dream position. My job was to manage the social media pages and the websites. When I got the opportunity to go for my postgraduate degree, I happily resigned because it wasn’t a normal job after all. A colleague asked me what I will do after graduation and being that I have always wanted a flexible lecturing/public speaking kind of job that will give me time to build a business; I said, “I will get a teaching or lecturing job.” A teaching job would have been a normal job, but I was already indirectly in a teaching job; I was writing and sharing knowledge on social media and I was creating and editing websites, using skills I learned as pastime. I had a friend who was doing the same thing on his own at that time; I watched him turn it into a great business over the years. Stop seeking the usual. Things must not be the way they use to be. Look for opportunities to e

Changing your perspective, 1.

  Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6. As you were growing up, you were learning consciously and unconsciously. The things you saw, heard and felt gave you a thinking pattern which eventually formed your attitude. Over time, this repetition of thoughts, feelings and actions fashioned your believe and perspective. As you get older, you started realizing that you react in a certain way to certain issues. People around you are already aware of how you will respond to a question, what triggers you, what excites you and what suppresses you. Then you probably started associating with other people from different environments and you felt there may be better ways to respond to issues. You started questioning certain thoughts and behaviors that you were used to; you started changing the way you look at things. This paradigm shift in thinking is all you need on your quest for change. “Small shifts in your thinking, and small chan