28 days Gratitude Practices that will change your life forever.

The essence of these practices is to get you deliberately thinking and saying the magic words, thank you. The more you deliberately think and say the magic words, thank you, the more gratitude you feel. The more gratitude you deliberately think and feel, the more abundance you receive.


Make a list of ten things you are grateful for, write why you are grateful for each blessing. Read your list, say 'Thank you' for each blessing and feel as grateful for that blessing as much as you can.


a) Repeat day 1 practice
b) Before you go to sleep, think of the best thing that happened today and say, thank you.


a) Repeat day 2 practices
b) Choose three of your closest relationships, write five things you are most grateful for about each person beginning each sentence with the word 'thank you.'


a) Repeat day 2 practices
b) On a piece of paper write: THE GIFT OF HEALTH IS KEEPING ME ALIVE.
c) Place the paper where you will see it and repeat the words at least four times, feeling as grateful as you can for the precious gift of health.


a) Repeat day 2 practices
b) Think back through your childhood and all the things you received that were provided at no charge to you
c) Say and repeat the words as many times as you want in the course of the day: THANK YOU FOR ALL THE MONEY I HAVE BEEN GIVEN THROUGHOUT MY LIFE


a) Repeat day 2 practices
b) Look for things about your job to be grateful. Find as many things as you can and say, thank you.


a) Repeat day 2 practices
b) Choose one problem or negative situation in your life that you want to resolve and list ten things you are grateful for about the negative situation.


a) Repeat day 2 practices
b) Today, be grateful for the gift of food and water. Before you eat or drink anything today, take some time to look at it and say, thank you.


a) Be grateful for the money you have.
b) Think of the goods and services you received and be grateful for having the money to pay the bills, whether you have it or not

DAY 10

Today, say thank you to at least ten people who perform services you benefit from . Feel grateful to them for the services they perform.

DAY 11

Today, be grateful for everything, when you wake up, say thank you for the gift of life. For the rest of the day, say thank you for everything you touch and use.

DAY 12

Think about the people who have impacted your life, tell at least three of them why you are grateful and how they affected your life. If you can't tell them just say it out loud to yourself as if you are talking to the person and say thank you.

DAY 13

Today, list your top ten desires, write thank you three times before each one as though you have already received it.
For example: thank you, thank you, thank you for the unexpected money I received, which is the exact amount I needed for my house rent.

DAY 14

a) Today, before you start your day, think about your plan for the day and give thanks for each one going brilliantly well.
b) And when you are done say, "thank you for the great news coming to me today."

DAY 15

Today, pick a relationship you will like to improve, make a list of ten things you are grateful for about this relationship. Don't look at the wrongs, only look at the RIGHTS.

DAY 16

a) Remember all the time you were healthy and active in the past and say thank you
b) Think about your health today and feel grateful for every organ, system and parts of your body working well
c) Choose one thing you want to improve about your body or health and give thank as though you have received it

DAY 17

Today, write down the amount of money you want to receive, also write the specific things you want the money for and feel as  happy and as grateful as though you have received it.

DAY 18

Today, think through any area of your life where you need something resolved or done for you and be grateful for the solutions as though you have them.

DAY 19

Take magic footsteps (for about ninety seconds) today. For every footstep you take, say (in your mind) and feel the magic words, thank you.

DAY 20

a) FEEL gratitude today. Close your eyes, focus on your heart and mentally say the word thank you.
b) Get your top ten desire list (the list you made previously), go through it one after the other and let your gratitude come from your heart. As in, you read number one, close your eyes and say thank you from your heart until you really FEEL GRATEFUL, then you move to number two.

DAY 21

Are you expecting an event, situation or outcome to turn out for your good? Today, choose three situations that you are expecting, write as if has happened.....
1. Thank you for the magnificent outcome to.....

DAY 22

Go through your list of top ten desires, visualizing that you have received them and feeling as much gratitude as you can. Do it on at least two occasions today. Carry your list in your pocket if you need to.

DAY 23

Today, stop and think about the glorious air that you breathe. Have you thought about what has to take place in the universe for you to have air? Take five full breaths in and out five different times today, say thank you and be genuinely grateful for the precious life-giving air that you breathe.

DAY 24

Today, think of people you care about who are in need of one thing or the other, visualize yourself receiving the news that the person has received whatever it is they need. Feel gratitude and say thank you.

DAY 25

Today, be alert to what's around you, and take at least seven gratitude cues from the events in your day. For example, if you hear an ambulance, the cue is to say thank you for perfect health; if you see a police car, the cue is to say thank you for safety and security; if you want children, when you see children, the cue is to say thank you for children.

DAY 26

Today, think about a mistake you have made in your life, the one that still hurts when you think about it. Ask yourself the following questions:
1. What did I learn from the mistake?
2. What are the good things that came out of the mistake?
 See if you can write down a total of ten things to be grateful for.

DAY 27

Today, you are going to look at yourself in the mirror, say three things you are grateful for about yourself, say thank you and mean it more than you ever have.

DAY 28

When you wake up, think about the good things, events or activities that happened yesterday from morning to evening, count your blessings, write them down and be as grateful as you can be.

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